Reframing our Work Reality through Appreciative Inquiry
In this episode, Deepak and Sujatha talk to G. Viswanath about Appreciative Inquiry. Often, problem-solving approaches focus only on what is wrong. Appreciative Inquiry instead takes a positive and enabling approach to individual and organisational growth, grounded in an abundance mindset. In this episode, Vish, Deepak and Sujatha share three stories about their experience with AI and explore the potential as well as challenges associated with an AI approach to human and organisational growth.
Collaborating beyond Conflicts: Lessons from an Activist Researcher
In this episode, Sujatha and Deepak talk with K.J. Joy, an activist-researcher who has been working on people’s rights to natural resources at grassroots and policy levels for over four decades.
Water is an essential resource with competing claims to its use. Conflicts while being inevitable can also lead to resolution of complex problems. Joy’s experiences as an activist, researcher, social scientist and social leader helps our understanding of conflict, it’s resolution, and management of multi-stakeholder interests.
Organisational Transformation of Gram Panchayats
In this episode, Sujatha and Deepak speak to Sonali Srivastava, founder and CEO of ANODE Governance Lab to uncover the intricacies of Gram panchayats as organisations - their role in Indian society and governance; their transformative potential and changes in Gram Panchayats over the years. They also discuss the different Organisation Development processes, Change Management processes that Sonali has worked with a few Gram Panchayats; their impact on the Gram Panchayats as an organisation and societal institution. Finally, the conversation also touches upon the leadership qualities that cut across corporate, social and civic spaces.